Thursday, April 1, 2010

Pet Shipping Adoption Scam Goes International

It is becoming less of an issue here in the USA, not to say that it is not still happening, but at least we have seen a huge decrease in the numbers of Americans getting ripped off by these criminals. Again, this SCAM is still being used here in the USA, it just is not working as well as before. Places like France, London, and Spain are a completely different story. In the past six months we have seen a huge increase in these puppy and pet adoption SCAMS abroad, France, London,Spain as well as other places throughout the world, are now the popular target for these common criminals. They are using language as a new weapon in their criminal arsenal. They actually use legitimate companies real contact information, this helps these crooks in two ways... one way is they see a real website that looks real and legitimate because it is! And the second.. When the unsuspecting victim gets the actual real cost for the delivery of a Pet, they quickly jump at the idea of sending the crook $300.00 for the delivery fee, because a real transport would be $2,000.00 or so. Also,by targeting people who speak French, or Spanish, they are able to fool them easily, these criminals act like they are with a legitimate company, but when the French or Spanish speaking people call, they are not able to communicate because the companies they are using are all based in the USA and all speak English. It is the same old thing, people falling for this SCAM over and over. Remember..all of these crooks are from Africa, regardless of the language they use in their emails, they are all African! Cameroon is the #1 location for these criminals. Never, ever, send money to someone you do not know, EVER. Also never use Western Union or Money Gram to pay for a pet adoption, EVER. Just because people claim to be on the up and up, good Christians, and claim to be missionaries etc... does not mean that they are, their goal is to steal your money! Remember regardless of where these crooks claim to be based out of, THEY ARE ALL IN AFRICA! Please continue to spread the word about this common SCAM! As always if it sounds to good too be true, IT IS!


DYAlex said...

It's not just Europe they've hit. They aimed at Russia also now. And some of them already got theirs first victims here in Russia. Now they are thoroghowly international.

diazgj said...

Just caught a scam from

A woman by the name of Hannah Lia
( posted a free teacup yorkie for adoption because she was a missionary going to Finland. She was no longer here locally, was in NY getting ready for their trip so she would have to send the puppy via SIA Cargo.

I received two blank emails and one email that had info from:

Email stated what number the dog was registered under and a microchip number, along with other information. The email just did not look legite. What got me was this info:

This payment is to be done to our New Bank Created in Cameroon as Branch of our Company.


Name: Ade Genesis

Country: Cameroon
City: Bamenda

State: Central province
Address: Cariffour Obilli 237

Zip Code/Area code

You will need a Test question and
Answer,so use the below

Test Question:

who are you?


i am Ade

International Sia Cargo Wide
Scheduled & Charter Cargo Airline from MIA to Points
throughout Central & South America & the Caribbean
New York City. 10001


Which does not work!

The email also stated that they would be delivering the puppy to one of our local airports, so I called the airport and they do not even deal with SIA Cargo!

Thank you for the blogs you have posted. They were very helpful!

Unknown said...

i was also scam i belive from pet relocation out of uk caroon from a verica jacobs they say my pup in salt lake city ulta airport bc usa need a permit feel which is not true. so be were there email there use is and number is 023794584917 and her email is beware

pod said...

My son tried to send his girlfriend a Puppy from PEI through this company. I have now today found your site. It could have been a lot worse, thank goodness for the wonderfuly lady at the Money Mart, Western Union outlet. She advised it was a scam and not to send it. We have reported it to the fraud unit of Western Union and the police. They keep calling us now and emailing they want money...Too bad not happening. I have all the emails and such if anyone needs them shared. SCAM SCAM SCAM
If they won't meet you in person, don't do it...don't believe the story they tell. MEET in PERSON

Unknown said...

Well I was one of those stupied people and sent 500.00 to them and now they are telling me that the puppy is at the air port and they need more money for insurance but I know i got scamed.. here is his information so no one eles get scamed.......
Heaton Ryan ( this is his web site.
and he will tell you that he uses this angecy to send them that is a scam to....
Contnientalairpet International Transport

Unknown said...

I got scammed 370.00 dollars from a so called BLUE WAY PET SHIPPERS.Be aware of them and a as well as his email sent me an email today saying they needed 100.00 more for insurance but I had new it was a scam before that.I never received my puppy or my money.beaware of this stupid scammers who can't even spell right.they calld me from an arkansa number 8702108390.I am so devastated I am an 19 year old girl with nomore money.that was the last of my money since I just got laid aware of a brandon njeke in cameroon douala zip code 00237 and a che cheh in camerroon zip code 00237.this is the adress where the puppies were so called located.1232 wellington hills rd,little rock arkansas

07_TeddyF_Silvey0 said...

More haste, less speed............................................................................

Unknown said...

I too almost got scammed. Been searching frantically for a pet and this is the email I got yesterday about a teacup yorkie
Hi, thanks for your interest towards my awesome parti Yorkie Puppy.
She is available to go to any family prepared to provide her with
enough care and love, a home where she will be well spoiled with all
her needs.
The puppy is a female Yorkshire terrier puppy, she is currently 12
weeks and 5 days old.
She has Champions in her blood line, registered AKC, vet checked, and
upto date with all her shots and de-worming.
House broken and potty trained, good associate of kids and other house
hold pets.
This puppy is very Energetic and eager to learn, she is intelligent,
independent and courageous.
Quick to determine where she fits in a household's "pack." Good
companionship and friendly towards new people.
Please I would love to know more about you and your environment before
taking a decision.
-Are you familiar with yorkies?
-Do you have children? Will they be loving towards this puppy?
-Do you have a vet in your area?
-Where exactly are you located?
You will be able to have this awesome baby as soon as we can sort
everything thing out.
All I need is a capable, competent, person to care for her. This is so
because my present job schedule does not permit me to take care of her
the way I ought to.
I value this pup as my own child. Hence, what I am asking for is just
your assurance to give her the best home.
All you will be paying is $110 to have the puppy home (I will explain
the use of the $110 in the next email).
Get back to me with answers to the questions as that will at least
give me an idea of the kind of home in which my loving puppy may soon
be going to.
Thanks and best regards
I just think it is a shame that these criminals are preying on people and all we want is a companion and help these innocent little animals.

Anonymous said...

Nice information, many thanks to the author. It is incomprehensible to me now, but in general, the usefulness and significance is overwhelming. Thanks again and good luck!


FEE said...

we have also nearly been scammed. luckly we did some research to find out that they are scammers. i started to think when the person i rang should have been scottich but had a very strong african acsent. and should have been in an office but had cockrells and the sound of large vehicles in the background

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

They just few hours ago scammed me too.I lost £170... I'm so silly that first thing i didn't try to find some information about this company.And didn't listen girl in western union who try to warn me better don't send money the way like this.It could be fraud.Maybe i trust people too much,and i wanted to make my daughter happy as she wanted a dog for long time...When i send money (western union),after few minutes they called me and ask for £500 for some kind of insurance.And then my heart broke...because i understood that my daughter never have this puppy..They even send photo of some really cute puppy,but of course this all was fake.My daughter see those photos and couldn't wait for some how i need to explain her that there would not be any puppy...that those people scam all our family.
POST OR ZIP CODE--------------00237
Just copy the address for the western union transfer above...
Go to the nearest WESTERN UNION store.
They will give you an international sending form, you put the above address on the form.
Hand back the form to them along with the cash.
And finally they will give you a receipt of payment and look at the back of the receipt there is a 10 Digits money transfer control number(MTCN) give us an E-Mail back with the number for verification of payment.
Everyone be careful when looking for animals!

esther said...

Now they r thrying to hit Malaysia. I lost 469MYR to pay them just bcoz or my they are using and

My name is mardalin (
I live in 54 Bartlett St, Portsmouth, NH 03801
Payment Adress:
Name: ................Zee Magdalene
Country: .............Cameroon
Posal code: ..........00237
City:.................Littoral who? baby
Other details about the puppy includes :
Sex: Male
Birth date:04-28-2010 (6 Months)
Champion bloodlines: Yes
Champion sired:No

Shipping services: (+23796948513)

Unknown said...

I was one of the unfortunate people got scammed! ( )posted an add in ( for a bull terrier puppy I wanted to get my husband for Christmas. I'm 6 months pregnant and I haven't had so much stress thru out my pregnancy like this situation. The company name is us pet transport. They own a web site and all, please be careful I lost $600 to this company , money I could of spent on my daughter to come or on my husbands real Christmas gift.
They require a payment via western union to camerron! Guys name is Marcus nguyang! Please be careful as I dont want anyone else to go thru this horrible experience.

Us pet transport
Please be advised!!!

candrews said...

I am so glad I found this!!!! I can't "PROVE" this is a scam as I didn't follow through BUT I'm 99.9% sure this is a scam.

Email address;
Doris and Blaise.

I was looking to purchase a hairless cat and they were selling it for $300, where normally they are sold for $800. I questioned it and she said they were going to Hawaii and can't take the cats with. On the website it states the cat will be spayed yet in the email she sent me, the cat is NOT spayed and she kept referring to a puppy??? Did some more digging and stopped all contact

Valeri said...

In Russia many people have suffered from fraud. In Ross's fashion for exotics. These and enjoy the crooks. Address scams rosilyna garcia People list $ 700, then 2700 $.... but the animals do not. Be careful!

Valeri said...

In Russia many people have suffered from fraud. In Ross's fashion for exotics. These and enjoy the crooks. Address scams rosilyna garcia People list $ 700, then 2700 $.... but the animals do not. Be careful!

ahndaytona86 said...

Any emails from is a scam!!!
Beware when looking for a pet.

Unknown said...

I just got scam for greyhound pups, yes pictures were provided and yet the pet shippers were by clinton Halk and the contact person was The story was about her husband died in the service and the puppies was not for sale but for adoption. They asked for the money to be sent western union directly to Alice Werner California/Los Angeles 154s Mednik Ave, CA 90002. The pups were ready to be shipped but first had to be inspected by their vet and that when the price went up. The person and I email and I told her no I would not be sending anymore moeny. then she had some of the money but was short. Then the shippers email and stated that the breeder sent $100.00 and I should pay the rest by western union to another address. Then I was suspension and too late. I hope this email will help others. Please be aware.

Heidi C. said...

Hi I was "almost" scammed too, until I asked them to send the puppy first, then I would send the money directly to them. Since they were such "great Christians" and all and said that I must trust them etc. etc.....
I am so sorry for what these horrible people have done to any of you. Please dont think you're stupid at all. I'm sure you're loving, caring, trustworthy people (there are still some of us left) and expect the same to be done to you.

Please know that these things do not go unseen and they will be dealt with.

But this is going to happen more and more as times become harder. We all need to be smart and very careful. I am one of Jehovah's Witness and Here's a little ray of hope that you can find in your own bible. Also if a Jehovah's Witness knocks on your door, you can trust them and please listen to the message of hope in this world and what God promises to us.

2 Peter: But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 6 For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

Heidi C. said...

I'm soooo sorry.

The scripture is at 2 Timothy:
But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. 6 For from these arise those men who slyly work their way into households and lead as their captives weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, 7 always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

Heidi C. said...

Here is another comforting scripture for those who will listen: I am using the "New World translation of the Holy Scriptures that has added God's real name, which is Jehovah, back into the bible (had been taken out).

Isaiah 55:6 Search for Jehovah You people, While he may be found. Call to him while he proves to be near. 7. Let the wicked man leave his way,and the harmful man his thoughts, and let him return to Jehovah, who will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he will forgive in a large way.

Psalm 37:10,11: "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more; ad you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be. But the meek onesthemselves will possess the earth, and they will indeed find their exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.

Matthew 6:33: "keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things {material necessities of life} will be added to you.

Luke 11:2: "Whenever you pray say, 'Father, let your name be sanctified.'"

In My words: If you pray to Jehovah our God and ask him to reveal himself, he will answer you. Your answer will be close by. He loves us all, wants to take care of us, as does his son Jesus, and wishes that we would look for him or take notice of him.
Proverbs 3: My son, my law do not forget, and my commandments may your heart observe, 2 because length of days and years of life and peace will be added to you. 3 May loving-kindness and trueness themselves not leave you. Tie them about your throat. Write them upon the tablet of your heart, 4 and so find favor and good insight in the eyes of God and of earthling man. 5 Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. 6 In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight.

I wish you all the very best.

Heidi C. said...

Please make a report, as I did at:

So they can track these theives down.

Anime_Princess said...

I almost bought into their lies, when my mom and I realized that if they said the puppies are for free, why is there a shipping charge at all, especially if their address is listed as local and somewhere we can go to pick the puppies up from. All I want to say is, I think all the websites should block their IP addresses, I'm sure they can be stopped that way, or when people report them as a scam, take their ad's down. Its terrible to lie to pet lovers like that and I wish I could do something to help stop these crooks!

king jordan said...

Hi guys my name is julio a person by the name of sam rohan tried scamming me with the old pet adoption fraud through ebay classified,
Her email adress is

Read the copy of all our emails please.. Lmfao shes retarted
If she thought id deposit 300 usd for nothing hahahahahh

Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 19:41:26 -0600

Hi and thank you so much, sounds perfect will do, can send pics and vids of the babies whenever you like, and my wife says thank you so much, you have made us sooo happy.

Heres my contact info

Julio alberto mejia sanchez

I live in morelia which is state capital of michoacan here in mexico

My adress is the following


Cel number is 443
01152 is internarional code
So all together it is 0115
You can call at any time.

Thank you so much and god bless
If it is dificult for you to send to my home dont worry my mom just told me you can ship it to her home nd shell ship to me

Her adress is

2658 w.
Chicago, illlinois 60625 zip code
Cel fone is

Sent from my iPhone

On 31/12/2011, at 06:38 p.m., samantha rohan wrote:

  thanks for the quick respond .i am very happy that you want to adopt both puppies . My dreams and prayers is to see them grow together as brother and sisters .i am offering the puppies for adoption to good and loving homes . so you have to promise me that you will take very good care of them and if possible send me fotos of them so that i can see how they are growing up in your home .
i will be shipping the puppies to you using a very fine animal delivery agency . they have trained persons that will take very good care of the puppies during their flight and the flight will take approximately 6 to 7hours to arrive your location . so you will be receiving the puppies the same day i send them.

In order to get the puppies delivered to you,  firstly i will be needing your full contact information which the animal delivery company will be using to deliver the puppies to you .

the needed information from you are :

your full names :
postal code :
home address:
contact number :

as soon as you get back to me with these information i will take the puppies to the delivery agency and reserve a flight for them .

thanks and waiting for your mail.

Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 14:14:22 -0600

Now if it is a hassle to ship them out here, my mom lives in chicago, you can ship them to her and she could ship to me, though that would be a little more expensive for me but whatever is better for you, and so soory to hear about all your problems, i hope they get better soon. 

God bless.

Sincerily, Julio alberto

Sent from my iPhone

king jordan said...

it is not possible for you to take a flight and pay when you arrive your destination . the shipping agency have their policies that all pets flight have to be paid first before the pet can be put in any available flight so you have to send the money first . if western union do not want to make the transaction you can try another western union office .

Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 13:22:36 -0600

Can you deliver the pets and then i can make the payment please? I am at western union right now and they said that they have worked with your company before but the person adopting always pays 24 hrs upon recieving not before. And your email says to pay first

Sent from my iPhone

On 01/01/2012, at 01:16 p.m., samantha rohan wrote:

due to my financial situation i did not pay my phone bills this month so i am not hooked up at the moment . you are free to ask me any question you want .

Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 13:05:22 -0600

Ok thx, but im still waiting for your phone number so i can ask you a few things.. Please and thank you.

Sent from my iPhone

On 01/01/2012, at 12:15 p.m., samantha rohan wrote:

I have just reserved a flight for the puppies with the shipping company.they informed me that they are able to ship the puppies to your home address in Mexico.  they also informed me that they have sent you a flight notification via email. you have to check your email address for any notification from the shipping company.

Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 20:18:02 -0600

Thanks, same to you as well
Can you please provide me your phone number so i can call you to ask you a few questions? If you dont mind i can call right now.
Also need to know if i have to pay up front or upon recieving and how much? Please provide me your cel phone number.

Sent from my iPhone

On 31/12/2011, at 08:01 p.m., samantha rohan wrote:

I understand. i will take the puppies to the shipping company in the morning and reserve a flight for them under the names and address that you have provided for delivery. Please keep in touch in the morning . HAPPY NEW YEAR 2012

king jordan said...

ok , here is our information .
names of receiver:  mukong ernest
address : 211 Victoria avenue
zip code : 00237
city : limbe
country : cameroon .
you have to use the names of my husband which i have provided above. we are ready to collect money and pay for the puppies shipping fee today.

Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 14:17:00 -0600

Yes i can no problem, please give me your full info ok. God bless

Sent from my iPhone

On 01/01/2012, at 01:57 p.m., samantha rohan wrote:

thank you very much . God is truly going to bless a kind hearted person like you. We are presently in Victoria, Limbe to see my husband's family because his days are numbered. He wanted to see his family this new year and spend a little time with them . I will be very grateful and I will forever be indebted to you if you can help me with such an amount of money. i will then make payment for the puppies shipping fee and make sure that they are delivered safely to you Ok.
Please let me know if you can send the 1000usd to us now so that i can give you our data . 

Date: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 13:33:42 -0600

Ok can you provide me your info so that i can western union you the money and you make the payment? I can pay you 1000 usd for all your inconveniences taking into consideration that your husband is sick and i know what it is like to have a family member sick, if you need any more money just let me know, it is no problem for me to deposit to you whatever you need ok. God bless

And remmember there is one god and he sees all, and blesses those in need.!!!

YC said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mcahill812 said...

a women named Paula Pater ( was adverising an 12 week old english bulldog puppy for adoption for $160 but i thought she lived in indiana usa when i went to go pay for it, the name changed najork micheals or (that was wester union name) Anyam Silam was (money gram) and the Desigation was Cameroon Douala.Tthen they wanted $579 for a crated cause they was going though Parid, Francis which was to cold for the orginal create it was shipped in. Thanks to my brother I only losed $180.00 it could of been alot worse then that. Cause I wanted that puppy. I got scamed bad. So please watch out. Mattie

JohnDK said...

Pet adoption scams are definitely the newest of the scams these days.In the past six months we have seen a huge increase in these puppy and pet adoption SCAMS abroad, France, London,Spain as well as other places throughout the world, are now the popular target for these common criminals.Cameroon is the #1 location for these criminals. So we should never pay money to the crooks for pet adoption.
International Movers

jmh said...

I just got scam $340 from victorypitbulls a seller name Victory Mervanda, Mariann Cappucino and Mukong Ernest using Jetpet Airlines as their shipper beware everyone....Im so hurt this puppy was to cheer up my kids who recently lost their dad

penie said...

Hi everyone,
Yep a woman called Liliana perezz is definitely a scammer.
Luckily i have decided to stop sending the money right at the very last step coz i just dont feel right doing business with an OZ company but sending money to Cameroon.

Here is the detail that the woman give me from the email address:

NAME OF RECEIVER.: Numbosi Fabrice
AMOUNT.: $200
ADDRESS: 21 np airport road RD
STATE.: Yaounde
CITY.: Akum
ZIP CODE.: 00237


Be aware every one

Ann said...

Does Any one known of a reverse Scam I have puppies for sale and prople are Emailing me offering to pay asking price plus Extra $100 Plus pay The shipping them selves I am not sure of this offer.

Anonymous said...

A bit racist claiming they're all Africans

freeman519 said...

I am from hong kong and i got scamed too. I have sent 2 transaction total of 1000us and they keep getting excuses to demand for more. That is too late by then. The money are to cameroon too.

Unknown said...

Pet Express is Sri Lanka's leading IATA & IPATA certified Pet Travel specialist & worldwide service provider for relocating pets all around the world We are a professional Pet Relocation agent based in Colombo who can offer you personalized door-to-door international pet transport services in the safest and the most comfortable way. Pet Express can be your one-stop international pet travel agent for your pets moving to / from Sri Lanka. We at Pet Express, always plan your pet's relocation process carefully and meticulously. Our pet relocation specialists have helped hundreds of pet owners to relocate their beloved pets to reach their new homes. Pet Express has unsurpassed experience in shipping pets to / from Sri Lanka, in to many different countries, and our specialist team will ensure you, that all of your Pet's international travel requirements are met accordingly and your Pet's journey will be planned smoothly and stress-free. Moving Pets Overseas